Chinese Amphibious Warfare: Prospects For A Cross-Strait Invasion


Andrew S. Erickson
Connor M. Kennedy
Ryan D. Martinson


Introduction: Taking Taiwan By Force? Chinese Amphibious Warfare In the New Era

Doctrinal Foundations of Chinese Amphibious Warfare

The Joint Amphibious Force

Enablers of Amphibious Warfare

Scenario Factors


Overall Findings

Part 1: Doctrinal Foundations of Chinese Amphibious Warfare

Chapter 1: Shi Lang's Amphibious Conquest of Taiwan in 1683

Shi Lang in Brief

Chinese Ming-Qing Civil War and European Arrivals in East Asia

The Zheng Clan and Koxinga

Koxinga's Naval Expeditions Against the Qing and the Dutch

Shi Lang's Amphibious Operations Against the Ming on Taiwan

Parallels Between Seventeenth Century Taiwan and Twenty-First Century Taiwan


Chapter 2: What Did the PLA Learn From Its Jinmen, Hainan and Yijiangshan Landing Campaigns

Jinmen: A Failed Landing

The Hainan Landing and the Taiwan Invasion Plan

Yijiangshan: The First Joint Operation


Chapter 3: The Six Pillars of PLA Amphibious Doctrine

The PLAN's Current Amphibious Missions

Core Principles of PLA Amphibious Doctrine

1. Dominance of the Three Domains
2. Key Point Strikes
3. Concentration of Elite Strengths
4. Rapid and Continuous Assaults
5. Integrated and Flexible Support Operations
6. Psychological Attacks


Part 2: The Joint Amphibious Force

Chapter 4: The PLAGF Amphibious Force

Order of Battle

PLAGF Amphibious Combined Arms Brigades
Group Army Support For Amphibious Operations

The PLA Training Cycle and Amphibious Unit Training

The Annual Training Cycle and Amphibious and Sea-transport Training
Analysis of PLAGF Amphibious and Sea-Movement Training in 2021

Chapter 5: The New Chinese Marine Corps

The "New" PLANMC

PLANMC Force Development

Joint Island Landing Campaign

Preliminary operations
Assembly, Embarkation and Transit
Assault Landing and Establishment of a Beachhead
Beyond the Beachhead


Chapter 6: Civilian Shipping and Maritime Militia

The Scope of the Problem

Operational Roles for the Maritime Militia in a Taiwan Invasion

Maritime Militia Force Development

The NMDC System
The Provincial Military District System
Maritime Militia Training
Construction, Retrofitting and Conversion

Command and Control

Challenges and Known Problems


Chapter 7: The PLA Navy's Amphibious Fleet

Strategic Transitions Driving The Development of the PLAN's Amphibious Force

The PLAN's Amphibious Force

Mixed Messages: Trends That Reduce the PLAN's Cross-Strait Capabilities

Opportunities to Bolster Amphibious Lift

PLAN Amphibious Training, Operations, and Support Exercises

The Future of Amphibious Missions: Global Expeditionary Operations


Part 3: Enablers of Amphbious Warfare

Chapter 8: The PLA Airborne Corps in a Joint Island Landing Campaign

History and Force Structure

The Role of the PLA Airborne Corps in a Cross-Strait Invasion

Building New Capabilities Relevant for a Cross-Strait Invasion

Reorganizing To Improve Capability for Mechanized Maneuver and Assault
Leveraging Growing Airlift Capacity
Improving the Sophsitication of Training At Home
Learning From Foreign Militaries

Key Questions Regarding Capabilities Needed For a Cross-Strait Invasion

Unity of Effort? Integrating Operations by Similar Units
Operating In Complex or Degraded Conditions
Lack of Relevant Experience
Heavily Reliant on Support from Another Service Arm — Aviation Forces


Chapter 9: The PLA Ground Forces' New Helicopters

The PLAGF's Helicopters, Aviation Units and New Air Assault Capabilities

Developing Scenarios for Air Assaults across the Strait

Scenario 1: Conventional Air-Assault Overmatch for Rapid Victory
Scenario 2: Unconventional Air Assault for the Long Haul

Assessing PLA Readiness For Cross-Strait Air Assaults

Takeaways For Taiwan

Not An "Easy Button" — Yet

Chapter 10: PLA Special Operations Forces


Force Structure and Capabilities



Chapter 11: Mine Warfare in a Cross-Strait Invasion

The Mine Warfare Military Balance

United States
Regional Allies

Mine Warfare in PRC Strategic Thinking

PRC Campaign Plans in a Taiwan Invasion Scenario
Mine Warfare Doctrine in China's Joint Campaign Plans

US Mine Warfare: Contrasting Priorities

PRC Execution of Mine Warfare in a Taiwan Invasion Scenario

Assessment and Asymmetries
