The Yom Kippur War and the Shaping of the United States Air Force


Author: Squadron Leader Joseph S. Doyle, Royal Air Force
School of Advanced Air and Space Studies
Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base Alabama
June 2016


Chapter 1

The Yom Kippur War in Overview

Missiles and Bent Wings: The Air War

Post-War Analysis: Academic and International Views

Hyperlethality and Attrition

Control of the Air and the SAM Threat


Towards an Offset Strategy

Chapter 2

The US Air Force and the Yom Kippur War: Processes, Lessons and Official Conclusions

The Learning Process

US Air Force Findings

Lethality and the SAM Threat

Attrition and Materiel Consumption

Technological Offsets

Conceptual Offsets


Official Conclusions

Chapter 3

Equipment, Training and Tactics: Tracing Developments Through - and To - The Yom Kippur War

Acquisition Programs and Technology

The Yom Kippur War and SEAD

The Origins of the F-117

Training Reforms and Tactical Developments

Capability Realization: The Gulf War

Chapter 4

The Yom Kippur War and Air Force Doctrine: Operational Concepts and Operational Success

Learning By Proxy: The US Army, AirLand Battle, and the Air Force

The Airman's View of Air Power: The Yom Kippur War and John Warden

Influential - and Influenced - Individuals in Operation Desert Storm


An American-Israeli Way of War

At The High End: War As Battle

American-Israeli Parallelism